
Saturday Wanderings...

1 Grande Hot White Chocolate Mocha - Ris
1 Grande Iced White Chocolate Mocha - Peter

Those made for a nice start to a lovely day...

Off to Hood River to enjoy the festivities of October Fall Festivals. We decided to try the free festival first, promplty to realize just why it was free! Needless to say we gave in and meandered our way over to the not-so-free festival indulging in festival food and fun.
And, home again.
Make a quick call to Sherrie to see if she'd like some visitors... "aye, she would" so we mounted the motorcycles (Peter grabs some data cabling hardware) and vroom, off to the Andersons. You see, their house is in a sort of tranisitional period right now. Sherrie was busy staining molding boards and Peter was going to finish terminating their data jacks. Sherrie stained, Peter terminated and Marissa screwed (the faceplates that is).
Below are some photos of their home as it sits tonight... visit our website to see the rest. :-)

Front of Anderson soon-to-be-residence...
Kitchen view...


The Children of the B's said...

So did y'all go on some rides? As I recall P's stomach isn't the best on some of them but maybe he is braver now?

MrsRitzB said...

No, no rides. They were just for the kids I think... I dont' think we could've squeezed our legs into them! I don't do so well on rides either though, so we were quite happy to stay a safe distance away. :-)