
Happy # 50 Crystie

This weekend was the big event of The Dalles for the year... Cherry Festival! :) Peter was "volunteered" to volunteer for a few hours down there on Saturday morning... so here's a bit of his enthusiasm:
We spent the rest of our weekend (ie: Saturday afternoon/evening) helping Crystie turn 50. That's a big job! :-) Here some pics of the fun, and CUTE kids!
Natalie made this awesome apricot cheesecake...YUM-O
I'll apologize ahead of time that I didn't get ANY good pictures of the birthday girl, but I will assure you that 50 looks good on her!
Like brother, like sister... (Amy & Daniel Anderson)We played "throw the bean bag in the hole" for awhile... I'm sure there's an official name for it, it's kind like golfing minus the golf clubs & balls, w/bean bags instead. Hmm, maybe it's more like shot-put...?
This was my ONLY one that made it in the hole. I was SO proud... :-)Audrey with great-grandbaby JacqueKat showing us how it's all supposed to happen...Jacque workin' out!Cousins! Alanna, Kat & Lucy - (sorry I couldn't get the reflection on Kat's glasses to go away)
Peter's down with a cold again... :-( Daniel was kind enough to share the germs. :-) And tonight was our workers last gospel meeting, they're on their way back to Burns now, and then off for convention preps!
Hope you all had a nice weekend!


Peter Brown said...

I haven't seen any picture of my sweetie in quite a while...

I think the next posting should include the beautiful lady I live with, so we don't forget who this blog is about! :-) Maybe I should get a few candid shots and upload them myself? :-p

Anonymous said...


I have a little part of THE DELLES
cherries hanging in my CHERRY kitchen...Life if just a bowl of cherries (chair of bowlies) uh...

CUTE pic of G'ma with her GRANDS :) :)