
The unveiling of our new kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After a bit of frustration with our counter-top folks, I can finally post pictures!!! I'm in L-O-V-E with the way it has turned out. Now that the counters and appliances are in we'll have to have our cabinet guy come back to re-cut a few cabinets that are a little bit too long, but these photos will give you a semi-final idea of what it will all look like!
Prior to the remodel this was the bi-folding pantry... (to the left of the fridge in the photo above) Now it is one of my favorite spaces!! :):) We bought the new propane tank last week and P. will work on getting it all hooked up soon. I love this stove! Can you believe we got it for... FREE?!
Now, I must disclose, that green wall in the next photo refuses to photograph the actual color of green that it is! I'll try some more photos in the daylight next time I can to see if it the color is more true... but for now, it will look like candy-apple green in the pictures. :) Notice our new stools for the breakfast bar? I love them! We're still deciding whether to keep them black or paint them cream like the cabinets... what do you think?
... And finally, a shot from the other side. This photo is in the exact same position as the 'BEFORE' picture in this sequence. What a difference, huh?! Love, love, love.
BEAUTIFUL new faucet and sink. The sink looks tiny in this photo, but actually it's HUGE! It's 39" x 19" x 10". I love the faucet too!
Ain't it all purrrrty?
We went to the airshow yesterday, but I'm pooped and going to call it quits for the night. I'll get some photos up of that adventure soon. :) I've been thinking of everyone wrapping up the last convention at Santee tonight... wish we could have been there. But we're looking forward to visiting Mom and Pops in two weeks! Look out San Diego!


Krista said...


wes said...

Turned out nice. I like the ovens, those look good. Really brightened up the kitchen.....

Liesl said...

YEAH!!!! It's so awesome!! Definitely have to come up and visit again so we can see it in person!!! It looks fantastic!!!

the Nichols said...

I love that kitchen sink!

Sherrie said...

What a very fun kitchen! It loverly!
Now we just need to come out to sample the wonderful things that will come out of it!

I personally like the black stools, but what do I know. You know how I decorate!

Chase Conely said...

You just can't describe how much this kitchen of yours has changed for the better - beautiful just ain't gonna suffice. It's well-laid out and the tones work perfectly. How… how were you able to get that stove for free?!