
3rd & 4th of July

We had a busy, fun, GREAT long weekend! Hope you did too!! Here's a photo journal of Saturday & Sunday. :)
Red, white & blue baking ~ makes...
...patriotic cupcakes!
Mini bundt cakes ~
Final product!
I also whipped up some caramelized walnuts for a cranberry salad... However, I may have eaten more than the amount that went on the salad! :)
Red Quinoa - if you haven't had this, I would definitely recommend it! It's SO filling, and very good for you. You can use it as a substitute for rice or pasta. Mind you, it doesn't TASTE like rice or pasta, but fills that starchy base that some dishes need. My good friend Liesl makes it into a cold salad, (recipe here), which is AMAZING.
I can't post without a cute one of kitty ~
We saw this place on Saturday, and it was instant inspiration for the color on our house! I LOVE that green!! I hadn't thought we'd go that dark before, but now I'm considering it. :) Thoughts?
We spent Saturday at some friends, Carol & James. They had croquet set up, frisbee, horseshoes - you know, good ole' 4th (or 3rd!) of July stuff!
Watch out for Bert!
James' mom (on the far left), Carol and I. :)
I was doing SO good... until I rounded the first pole. There I sat & everyone passed me up! :( Bah!
Cold food - SO much! SO good!
Hubbs n' I. I kinda love this guy.
James' mom Diane and a delish fruit tart someone brought.
Bert grilling on his tailgate. :)
After dinner we piled into the back of Bert's truck & headed down to the park to play volleyball - much fun!
Please take a moment to closely look at each face in the next three photos - they crack me up! (click to enlarge)

Sunday K&L came over after K finished work and we celebrated again. :)
I made some patriotic strawberries. So much for healthy eating!
Cajun marinated shrimp skewers. Recipe here. VERY good. VERY easy!
Rosemary Ranch Chicken Kabobs (P. really liked these - they were quite tasty!), vegetable kabobs with an oriental marinade and bacon wrapped corn on the cob. YUM.
L's adorable rice krispy treats - made with her homemade marshmallows!
Bar-B-Que'd up and ready to chow!
Later we jumped on the bikes and rode down to the Town of Herndon to watch fireworks... Lizzy came too!
We tried to convince Dozer to come also, but he just wasn't having anything to do with the leash. I don't understand! :)
Monday we slept in, lazed around then played racquetball at the rec center - swam a bit - practiced for our scuba certification that we'll be doing in a few months (!!!) and came home to bar-b-que brats. EXCELLENT weekend if I must say so myself!! :)
What did you do?!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Okay, now that I've had a chance to look through this post again, how am I supposed to comment on everything???

The cupcakes... look like miniature 3-D globes that would work kinda cool in a geography class. :)

quinoa... you've got my interest now.

house color: I like.

group photos: if I didn't know better, I'd think you were... umm, naw, can't be.

strawberries: pretty, but I think I still favor chocolate. :P

shrimp & vegee kabobs: looks scrumptious!

and Dozer didn't want to succumb to a leash??? What kind of parent are you anyway?

Glad you had a fun weekend. Love you. Mom