

The amount of work that has been accomplished this last week is absolutely astounding!  However, because I'm cruel, I'm just going to give you a sneak peak for now & will post photos of the full "reveal" later this week or maybe next. :)

Most importantly, Dozer fully approves of the new window trim.  In fact, he's pretty sure we installed those wide window-sill's just for him.  (We did, didn't we?)
HUGE, HUGE, HUGE thanks to D.N. who has put in HOURS of helping us with the tile in the master bath.  He's visiting DC with his family for a six-week internship, working full days downtown DC, then driving out to our place to help tile, then back to his digs in Arlington to be dad to three little boys and husband to his sweet wife.  We're really, really grateful for his help!!!
It looks AH-MAZING.  I'm so glad we went with the vertical stripe instead of a horizontal one.  I L.O.V.E. how it looks!!!
Tonight I baked some chocolate, peanut butter chip cookies... not because I have a lavish amount of time right now to be domestic with, but because baking is a stress reliever for me, and boy did I need it!  Can you guess who the heart is for?  
Yep, that guy I love. (smile) 
The rest will be donated to the D.N. clan as a thanks for donating their dad/husband to us.  :)

Our blog-readership count has drastically increased over the past few weeks, and it makes me wonder... who?  We'd love to hear from you if you're keeping up with us via UsBrowns + Dozer!  Please feel free to leave a comment; they keep me motivated to continue blogging!


Krista said...

my mouth is watering...

Diana said...

The sills look great! Poor Doze... he doesn't know what's about to hit him.

Joy Roeder said...

I always check your blog. Are you going to take Dozer with you?

Sherlene said...

It's me... but I'm always dropping in on ur blog. :) must be some other lurkers!

Unknown said...

dito, I'm a regular visiter. It's fun to hear you so excited about how things are looking in the house even though you'll be selling! What an adventure you are embarking on! So why the change and do you know how long you will be on island? I don't imagine there are other friends there. You'll be even more thankful for each other in a new way now.
Do keep blogging!!!

Amy said...

First time checking out your blog...recognized the bald head of Mr. D.N. :) He's a pretty amazing big brother too!

The Children of the B's said...

I always read y'alls blog. It makes me want to update mine :)

Renee Pontious said...

This Auntie always loves it when you update your blog. Makes it feel like you're not so far away. You will definitely have to keep blogging once you're on the Island. You going to be able to have visitors?

Renee Pontious said...

I need to change the name on our blog to Ned and Renee. As I'm the one that is always on this thing.

Aunt Renee

sramey said...

I'm also a regular visitor, and also wondering about Dozer - does he get to be an island cat??

Anna said...

I'm here too! :) Can't wait to see more pics of the house. You guys are hard workers!!

Olymom said...

I'm a more recent follower :) Just nosy, I guess!! Exciting times for you guys!

Justin wicks said...

I'm following your progress and really interested in hearing more about the island adventure- I'm setting a goal of being your first visitor! - do you think I'm to hyper for an island? :) - justin

Peter Brown said...

@Joy and SRamey - Yes, Dozer is shortly to become an island cat. He is really looking forward to it - a life of leisure and relaxation. In other words, not much of a change for him. I think he will enjoy the trip out, though. Nothing like 15+ hours in a plane with a pissed off cat...

@Emilee - We'll be under contract until Feb. 2013 and will likely have the option to extend our contract at that point. The extension could be 1-2 years at a time (may people have been on the island for over a decade) or we could opt for a renewal every 90 days (unless the options change before that time). It will mostly depend on how much we are enjoying the island life at that point. :)

The decision to make the change was decided for us when I (randomly) found the company site and applied (and they called me back). We had been looking for a change, but I didn't expect to hear back from this one. In fact, I only casually mentioned it to Marissa and she didn't even check the site out at the time.

I believe our closest meeting will be roughly 1500 miles away in Saipan or Guam (about the same distance). As of now, there aren't any other friends on the island, but we're hoping for some soon. Anyone else interested in life on a lovely Pacific island (other than Justin)? ;-p

@Ned (Renee) - YES, we will be able to have visitors! If you or anyone else (other than Justin) are able to make it, we'd love to have you. Just let us know when you might be able to make it and I'll fill out the required paperwork to get you on-island. I'm not sure of all the requirements yet, but I'll confirm what's needed for any interested parties. We'd LOVE to have you!

@Justin... Wow Justin. First Facebook and now reading... err... (at least) commenting on blogs... You truly have evolved. :)

Since this is a public forum, I'll try not to mention details of your ongoing trial (sticking gum under the edges of tables and chairs) or your latest prosecution (stealing candy from babies - it sure didn't work out as easy as it sounded, did it?), for fear of embarrassing you and attaching a social "stigma" to your name...

Instead, (this time) I'll take the high road and just say that since you're such a nice guy, they won't allow you on the island... (See, doesn't that feel good to take the high road? You should try it sometime.)

Haha - you know you are ALWAYS welcome to visit us - no matter where we are! Since there are only bicycles on Kwaj for personal use (no cars), you could even practice riding your bike real fast! You just have to be careful to stop before you hit water.

Also, sorry for not returning your calls. I think I'll have the money together before too long and I PROMISE I'll pay it all back. I would have sent it this morning, but I was busy at work typing this blog response. Not to worry, I doubt you can name three times I've stiffed you in the last month. :)


Laura Brist said...

Hi you two! Marissa, your mom sent me the link, because I was curious as to where you are going! I'm here in VA right now, visiting Rob and Tess! I leave today though...back to SD and then to MEXICO! Yahoo! Your mom is jealous that MY spanish is going to skyrocket. heh. Anyway, YAY for adventure! :) Laura Brist

Sandra Ramey said...

Hilarious reading today:)
Sounds like an interesting adventure ahead! Kudos on all the amazing work you've don e:)
We'll have lots more to share after the wedding and then having three girls for a month...Yay! best wishes you two!! Love Auntie!
Oh, and as I type this I am holding sweet Emma Jane Wilson! life is good:)

Sandra Ramey said...

Marissa, Love all your postings too:)

Family Fun said...

I'm sure home buyers are going to love what you have done. I am looking forward to seeing more pictures.

sleepoutside said...

I'm a regular too! You should let Peter post sometimes, he would probably increase your readership quite a bit as well. It seems he has quite a bit of pent up thoughts to share. Isn't he usually super quiet?

The Hilarious Hyena said...

I've been a regular follower for a while now too... but just thought I would show my mug. :) What an exciting change for you too! :)

Sally said...

Hey, Ris & Peter ... we just heard that you're headed for Kwajalein! Wow ...what an adventure and what an opportunity! I see that Pam Conrad & Marilyn Denio are scheduled to spend time on Kwaj'n on their way from Guam to HI for preps & conv so you're gonna have company! Corle' & I are here in Sacramento (right now @Greenways). Heidi Havlicek will join me next wk. All the best .. Sally Alexander