
What's for supper?

Ham & Broccoli Quiche
- Mix Cheese, Egg and Ham
- Saute Onions, then mix in Broccoli
Combine, pop in oven & wait 30 minutes!
Quick, easy and the hubby loved it!
I found an awesome blog the other day, and thot I'd share. It's called 'What's for supper Mom?'. The contributors of this blog are constantly uploading recipes and ideas of what to make for dinner/lunch/dessert etc. I love it! I hate coming up with ideas of what to make for dinner, and this blog puts ideas in my head. :)


Snow finally!

We finally have SNOW! I'm SOOO excited! 3 inches... it's beautiful!
(I'll mention on the sly that it's supposed to turn into freezing rain tonight, ice tomorrow, and melt away by tomorrow evening, but for right now I'm quite HAPPY!)
Here's a glimpse of my new orchid...
See, I'm happy! (and blurry) :-)
This definitely would not be my preferred mode of transportation in this weather! Looks like it stayed home today...
After my stroll in the snow, I came home to this sweet little window kitty. Cute.


3 blooms, 1 to go!

Another friend gave me an orchid yesterday... That's my next project! :)


Saturday we spent a bit of time at Ken & Liesl's again... this time however, instead of demolishing, we were rebuilding! As therapeutic as demolition feels, it's also nice to see progress in the way of construction. :-)
We spent the day in the kitchen... which looked like this when we arrived. Liesl was already hard at work putting up insulation.
Here's the kitchen when we left that evening! Ready (except for one little piece of missing drywall) to be taped and mudded. K&L are doing that this week. Ken, Liesl and Peter working on measurements for a very precarious piece!
(Notice the beautiful hardwoods?! - They cover the sub-floor I mentioned in a previous post... looks nice huh?!)
...and here is the aforementioned "precarious" piece! Brilliant the way they cut it!
Another end to a productive day! K&L move in this week!!!

New OLD wheels!

Yep, it's here! This big ole' mud/snow/mountain loving truck made the 2,721 mile trip to the East Coast last week.
I must admit, we stick out like a sore thumb! You can count on two hands how many vehicles are in the City of Fairfax that are over 15 years old... not to mention big, lifted trucks.
Anyhow, we're glad to have a second vehicle again. :)


Look, Ma! I growed something!

Many of you would know that I did not in ANY way inherit my mothers green thumb. So you can imagine my panic when our Wednesday night elder gave me an Amaryllis bulb to grow. To make this even more stressful, the bulb was bought as part of an annual fundraiser to raise money for research on the awful Huntington's disease, which our elder's wife has.
**Side note: amazing, touching article about how they live day-to-day here.** So, now you can understand why I REALLY wanted to keep this thing alive.
Well, the day has come, and amidst semi-frequent watering, cat bites on the stem, and not-the-best sunlight exposure, it's BLOOMING! :) The little darling has 4 flowers emerging, and is so heavy I had to tie it to the window to hold it up... Yahoo!
Upon first glance, this photo looks so sweet - Mr. Dozer likes to "smell the flowers". However, if you really look close, he's actually getting ready to take another (!!) tasty little nibble out of that delicious, thick stem. *sigh* I really can't believe the flower has survived my lack of attention, and Dozer's constant attention! So far he's only managed two chomps into it - I usually catch him in the act!
Hope you're having some success blooming this winter too!!!


Outerbanks, NC

We spent Jan 16th-20th in Outerbanks North Carolina, with some friends, escaping the inauguration mayhem in DC! :)
The motivated girls making the rest of us look bad... (running on vacation??? come'on!)
Red-Jen, Pink-Jania, Blue-Lisa, Yellow-Wendy
The ONLY bad part about the house... NASTY. Apparently they don't keep up the pool chemicals in the winter. They did have the hot tub nice and hot tho!
Gorgeous East Coast beaches... mmmm
Mrs. Brown.
I <3 him...
Picture perfect
Cape Hatteras lighthouse... interesting to read about. It was moved from it's original location in 1999 because of the erosion of the beach.
View of our house from the beach
Girls in the hot tub!
Playin' some pool...
Dinner... lasagna this night. Each couple/family/sisters were responsible for cooking one meal... it worked out great!
Wendy's paper art
Jen and Wendy playing some foos ball
Usn's, Sunday a.m.
All 15 of us! This house was huge... just perfect for our group. 6 master bedrooms & a humongous kitchen!
Kevin, Libby and adorable Baby A.
Usn's... again.
Nate, Lisa and little Ashley
Jania & Jen
Little Miss. Smiley & my double chin
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, up close
Surfing in January!! Wet suit required... temps ranged between 25* and 50* while we were there...
And finally... on the drive home it snowed!! Beautiful! We couldn't have asked for better weather for such a fun weekend!



Peter and I are off to Outerbanks, NC this weekend to get away from the inauguration crowds... I promise pictures when we get back on Tuesday... :)



Peter and I spent last weekend helping some friends tear out the rotted sub-floor in their new home, patch the spots we cut out and then re-lay new subfloor over the top! It was MUCH fun and we have the bug to fix up a house now!! Hopefully our Oregon home will sell soon and we can find a place out here to tackle projects like this. Anyone want a house in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge...? I know just where to get one! ;-)
Peter and Ken assessing the damage that Liesl and I did... They went to Home Depot, and came home to a partially torn/cut out floor! :-)
Lesson: Don't leave girls and power tools home alone.
Sweet Lizzy wondering what in the world we are doing to her house?!
The "woodpile" - this will make a nice bonfire someday!!
Liesl, with more power tools... this time less destructive. :-)
Liesl and Ken
Usn's... a little washed out. I'm SURE my skin is not that white... right?!
Floor patched and ready for the new layer of sub-floor.
Setting and glueing the first piece!
Miss Lizzy... again. She's such a sweet dog.
Ken and Liesl, thanks for letting us come down! We had a great time.




Hope 2009 is a WONDERFUL year for all!