
Weekend adventures!

My husband is SOO amazing! He took a vacation day from work on Friday & accomplished oodles on the house! I left for work that morning with at a house that was fully sided on the front... and came home to this! Well, not quite actually. That tree there below, well...
-It was gone. :)
This is more like what I came home to. :)
He also framed out the exterior outlet box.
Oh, and did I mention that the rock is finished?! (sans grout)
.. and lights!! LIGHTS! I love these. Actually, I love everything about the way the garage front of the house has turned out. It is amazing!
The old sheathing came off...
Oh, and we had a BEAUTIFUL sunset tonight!
-Working late tonight- I <3 him.
1/2 of the old sheathing has been replaced! Notice there are no windows in the bottom half? Dozer thought it was pretty cool to be able to just jump out the window - it was quite adorable if I do say so myself. :)
Re-sheathed, new Ty-vek is up & the old windows are back in! The new ones are on order - they should be here in about 2 weeks! Maybe tomorrow after meeting we'll get the upper 1/2 done...?
After a long days work... with the new lights in the background! :)
Did I mention that I love these?! They'll match the style of our new windows too!
11:30... time for some snoozing... Happy Saturday, Sunday & Columbus Day y'all!


Diana said...

Whoa! He is pretty amazing.

wes said...

Efficient. I like that. Place is shaping up quick.

Sandra Ramey said...

Good on ya...looking very cozy!