
Unsuspecting visitor

Tonight Peter transformed our landscaping... in about 2 hours! It sure doesn't take long to make a BIG change!
Yesterday he finished putting up the diamond mesh on the front of the garage!
"Landscaping" BEFORE, front of house
BEFORE, West side of house
AFTER: Front of house in process
AFTER: Front of house, done!
AFTER: West side of house
He spared this little hydrangea that was in the corner. :)
This cherry tree got a bit of a hair cut tonight... 4 limbs off, but it will soon be completely buzzed down to the stump! It's encroaching it's roots on our foundation, and we decided it's not worth the risk of finding a crack down the road, so out it will go.
Peter found this little critter hiding under the bushes he pulled up! Isn't he ADORABLE?! I love how he's just barely peeking out of his shell.
Isn't his shell pretty? He's an Eastern Box Turtle.
We gave him some dinner, and Peter just released him back into some fresh bushes outside. :-) Happy trails little fella!
I'm working on sorting through 700+ photos of Aruba... Hoping to get them up sooner than later!


Mark said...

You're fortunate to have a box turtle or turtles on your property. While I can't tell for sure, that appears to be a young one, so you're especially lucky. It's great that you released it, since people removing them from the wild has been a contributing factor in their decline.

Here's a link (from Michigan) about how to maintain your property in a way that's turtle-friendly:


Sandra Ramey said...

Arlen would be so proud! He has four turtles and a turle habitat!