
Warning: Extremely exciting blog post below!!

I am SOOOO excited to write this post!!!
We had a lovely day of about 75* weather & Peter made the most of it!!
Rocks out of boxes and laid out... check.
Mortar and mixing tools ready... check.
Diamond mesh & trim mounted... check.
Sweet, hardworking husband... check.
Stick bugs (2) - not necessary, but they were worth a photograph anyway... :)
... And, YAHOO!!! The rock completely transforms the look of the house... I LOVE IT!
Lights aren't up yet, but here's what they'll look like when they are! (minus the sweet husband)
It's about 1/2 done! There are some blank spaces that he's still waiting to find the "perfect" piece to fit in, but doesn't it look great already?!?!
Today I worked on the downstairs 1/2 bath.
It has changed from this:
...to this:
I think I mentioned before, but the transformation is only temporary. We will later re-tile and replace the window, toilet, vanity, light and mirror, but for now it is worlds better than it was! :) We actually picked up the window this week - it'll be an opaque slider instead of that nautical octagon that is there now.
Another source of all my excitement is my brother's wedding in a week!! Peter & I fly off to Boise on Wednesday... Yahoo!!!!!!!


Diana said...

beautiful! Nice work Peter!

Sandra Ramey said...

Very Nice! Can't wait to see you two!