
First Haircut!

Our grass got it's first haircut today! There are a few spots that we may have to seed, as the hydro-seed didn't take, but for the most part, it looks great!
We're in the process of re-finishing the deck. Last weekend we sanded the entire thing, and soon it should be re-finished... Then we'll have to go to work on the downstairs deck!


Property Search

In our efforts to find nice, level, scenic, water-sewer-power hooked up, not-too-far-from-town, acerage (we're not too picky are we?!), we made the trek out to look at another piece of property last week...
I must say, it's BEAUTIFUL land, and has a fantastic view of Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood from the bottom up, but unfortunately it has too many drawbacks to make it worth our money... However, we are recruiting for our area, so if anyone needs some gorgeous property, and has some extra money, come on out!!!

Flying 101

Here's proof of our latest and greatest adventure! :)
Last Saturday we decided to log our first hours towards getting our pilots license... And we're 39.3 hours closer!
I don't even know where to begin to describe it! Peter and I flew separately - we both flew Cessna 152's. They're a small 2-seater airplane. The picture below is of Peter checking out his plane. (I was so excited - and nervous - to fly that I forgot to take more pictures...)
Anyway, we were both surprised at how much trust they put into pilot trainees! They mentioned that you learn by doing it, but we weren't expecting to do so much on our first flight!
My trainer had me taxi down the runway - and let me tell you, I have a newfound respect for the pilots who can do it in a straight line! Then we stopped, turned the corner, and he had me take off! Wow. Amazing.
I flew for about 45 minutes. It's just SO BEAUTIFUL flying over the Columbia Gorge! (that would have been a good time to take a picture, but I was too busy trying to figure out which instrument was the altimeter so I could keep it at the altitude that he recommended!)
Then he described to me the specific flight pattern to fly back to the airport... and at about 1000 feet he took over and landed it for us. I taxied it down the runway again, and he told me to turn around, take it back up and this time I would land it! HA. Actually, by this time, I was getting sick to my stomach, as the descent back to reality was a little bumpy... so he said we'd do that next time.
What an experience though!



We have pretty sunsets here... you should come see! :)