Many of you would know that I did not in ANY way inherit my mothers green thumb. So you can imagine my panic when our Wednesday night elder gave me an Amaryllis bulb to grow. To make this even more stressful, the bulb was bought as part of an annual fundraiser to raise money for research on the awful Huntington's disease, which our elder's wife has.
**Side note: amazing, touching article about how they live day-to-day here.** So, now you can understand why I REALLY wanted to keep this thing alive.
Well, the day has come, and amidst semi-frequent watering, cat bites on the stem, and not-the-best sunlight exposure, it's BLOOMING! :) The little darling has 4 flowers emerging, and is so heavy I had to tie it to the window to hold it up... Yahoo!
Upon first glance, this photo looks so sweet - Mr. Dozer likes to "smell the flowers". However, if you really look close, he's actually getting ready to take another (!!) tasty little nibble out of that delicious, thick stem. *sigh* I really can't believe the flower has survived my lack of attention, and Dozer's constant attention! So far he's only managed two chomps into it - I usually catch him in the act!
Hope you're having some success blooming this winter too!!!
**Side note: amazing, touching article about how they live day-to-day here.** So, now you can understand why I REALLY wanted to keep this thing alive.
Well, the day has come, and amidst semi-frequent watering, cat bites on the stem, and not-the-best sunlight exposure, it's BLOOMING! :) The little darling has 4 flowers emerging, and is so heavy I had to tie it to the window to hold it up... Yahoo!
"BlOOMING" for a noble cause !!
It's beautiful and we stand in awe of those dear folks!!
A touching post and cute pics. That Dozer's a rascal!!
Aww - I knew you could do it! Dozer's just helping keep your "plant-ADD" focused. Congrats - it looks beautiful. Hugs, mom
That is quite exciting!
Love S
I love those Amaryllis! They are so magestic! Mine didn't last long this holiday season:(
I just found out we picked the same background for our blog:) I had to do something red to go with our photo on the blog.
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