
3 weeks in photos ~

I've been a very bad blogger... :( Sorry.
We have a gajillion photos documenting what's been going on around here, but rather than post them all, I'll try to catch you up real quick-like. :)
Last time we spoke, this wall had cabinets on it. Now it doesn't.
(How's that for brief?)
The drywall was in pretty bad shape & was going to require significant patching, so we decided to just cut the worst section out and replace it. (Read: neither P. or myself enjoy drywall work, so we wanted to take the easy route.)
Aaah, muuuuch better. Now there's just seams to cover.
Now is the fun part. Mud, tape, mud, sand. Mud, sand. Mud, sand. Mud, sand. I think my lungs are permanently coated with a thick layer of drywall dust. That and the rest of the house. If you come to visit within the next few weeks, I wouldn't recommend packing any black clothes.
As of tonight, all the walls have a least two coats of mud, some have three, and they are mostly finished!! Yay.
This weekend Peter poured the mini-foundation for the stairs. It's cute. :) Seriously.
Home-made forms work great. :)
Oh, and side note - the car got a bath. MUCH needed.
Tonight P. pulled the forms off and set/nailed the stair framing.
It's lookin' good! We have an install date for the cabinets... drum roll... THIS FRIDAY! That means they'll measure for the counters on Saturday & we'll have a real, live kitchen in two weeks! :):):):) EEEE, oh happy me!


wes said...

Try using an eggbeater to mix up the hot mud/AP... saves a LOT of time and mixes all the big chunks in.

Patio looks very nice.

Diana said...

Will I know this place on next visit...???

MrsRitzB said...

Hey Wes- yah, we started doing that after awhile of fighting with the mud. Works MUCH more bettah.