
I know it's been too long since I've blogged, when...

... the last time I uploaded photos from my camera was 3 weeks ago!! Sorry about that folks!

We spent Christmas this year with K&L at their place. I don't know what we'd do without them!
L's momma sent this cute little tree, and she scored quite a few other goodies from her family and friends back home. L & I exchanged stockings this year: t'was much fun!
Sweet Lizzy~
Opening our presents!
K's contribution to my stocking. :)
Mom sent me a cinnamon roll recipe, which I baked for dessert...
...as if we didn't already have enough food!! Can you believe there were only four of us?! Oink, Oink.
Okay, we just might have over-done it with the eats... but isn't that what the Holidays are for? :)
...Mmm... Certain to cause cavities AND clog your arteries. :)
Frostin' the cinnies!
Finished product. It took 5 days to polish off that pan, but we sure did it! :)
After meeting on Sunday we went down to some new friends, J&S and kiddos with K&L to play some games... and eat some more! Isn't it interesting (or maybe sad?) that all of our good memories revolve around food??!
L, S & I decorated gingerbread houses with the kiddos -
- While the boys played a board game called 'Epidemic'. -
All in all, it was a perfect Holiday weekend. Going back to the real world on Monday was a bit difficult, but now we're looking forward to family visits this year (hopefully, hint hint!) and another tropical scuba vacation with K&L mid-year. Happy 2011 to YOU!


Diana said...

Peter playing a game?? What's happening to him? (jk P.)

Yummies look tasty, esp. roll ups and shrimp. But I bet those apple slices tasted pretty yummy at the end.

Gram C. said...

Pretty little redhead your holding Missy... does she have siblings?

Everything looks scrumdiliicious!! What are those two dishes sitting by/above the crackers?