
Old woman

That's me. Officially old. I made the big two-zero today, and let me tell you, the aches and pains have begun. Or maybe that's just my food settling from Thanksgiving meal #2...? *Grin*
Here's a quick run-down of our weekend...

9:00am - Preheat oven
9:30am - Insert turkey
11:00am - Ongoing process of our VIP guest arrival begins...
12:30pm - Turkey's done (ack! a bit early)
1:00pm - 2:00pm - Chaotic kitchen frenzy
2:15pm (ish) - Eat... yum2:45pm - 7:30pm - Food settles, games, people talking all at the same time, dessert...
7:30pm - 8:30pm - All waddle to Sherrie and Loren's to see the progress of their home
9:00pm - 11:00pm - Back to our place, chat w/Geoff & Nat, hold baby Jacquie, play w/Kat
11:00pm - Happy to be in bed...

Marissa - Worked (banker's hours aren't all they're cracked-up to be)
Peter - Well, here's proof that I married the most wonderful man in the world! You can only imagine the state our house was in after all the festivities on Thursday, w/much dishes to still be done, and tables to be cleaned, floors, chairs, etc etc. I came home from work Friday night to find: Dishes - clean. Floors - mopped. Tables - cleaned and put away. Chairs - cleaned and put away. Kitchen - spotless. And on top of all that... 7 loads of laundry washed and folded. Wow. How did I ever get so lucky??!!!!!!!!!!
5:30pm (ish) - Headed down to Wilsonville to stay with Mara and Steve for the night.

8:30am (ish) - Breakfast at Steve and Mara's... Happy birthday singing and yummy pudding pastries with fruit...9:30am - Head off to Dave and Sandra's for Thanksgiving #2
*copy 11:00-2:15 of Thursday's schedule*...more Happy Birthday singing, presents, dessert... and we're off to make the trek back home.

T'was a fantastic weekend, and sorry, this blog has become much longer than I intended... hope y'all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
Check out our webpage for all the pics!

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