
Demolition Derby - 3 weeks late

I'm a little behind on my blogging - but I will attempt to use my "day off" to catch up. I love my priorities! Blog first, then work. :-)
Three weekends ago, we threw on our cowboy boots & hats, and bumbled on down to our very own Wasco County Rodeo - YeeHaw! Or rather, maybe a more accurate picture of what happened is, we dressed up in our city slickers, and rolled on over in our 4.0 to the rodeo. Actually, neither of those scenarios is very accurate -- none-the-less, I digress because what really happened isn't all that exciting.
This pink Caddy had by far the best driver out there. I also think that his back end was full of concrete... when the other cars would hit him, they'd just bounce right off. :) He placed #2 - only because there was a jerk... nevermind - long story. And, in my humble opinion, this driver was the second best out there. By the 7th round (3 heats that ran twice, then the final derby w/all the cars that were running) his little car didn't even look big enough for a person to fit in!
Lined up for the final demo!
The man standing closest to the camera (in the black) is the driver of the Pink Caddy - which ironically is on fire (actually, it wasn't ironic, but the word sounded good there). They halted the derby, the fire dept. came out and examined the car, and decided it wasn't bad enough to ruin the derby, so they continued.
Some footage of the excitement...

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