
Flowering Tea... etc.

I realize this post is LONG overdue, and I'm sorry about that! We haven't had much excitement in our lives to be posting about... :-)

Locally, our weather has turned beautiful. If anyone has been thinking about coming to visit it's the perfect time for that! (hint hint) Spring is definitely here! Our lawn is just gorgeous. It has come back even fuller than last year when we put it in, however the boxwoods are struggling... :-( I think the heavy snow this winter didn't do much for them, but hopefully our spring sun will help them cheer up!

Yesterday Peter and I went down to our local motorcycle shop & bought new helmets. Now normally this wouldn't be of interest to any of you except that now we have two extra helmets in case anyone wants to ride with us! ;-)

In other news, I bought a new teapot! I've been looking for one of these for awhile, ever since I saw one at my sister Sherrie's house. It's called flowering tea, and so fun to watch bloom!

The tea starts out as a little pod. It's dry and packed tightly in a ball. Now, add some boiling H2O, and let it steep.
Beginning to flower... Flowering some more...
Fully bloomed! So pretty, and quite tasty too! They have all kinds of flavors - you can look them up on Numi's website. That link also has a neat video of the tea blooming. I didn't even think to video it. Duh. I bought my teapot and teas at Fred Meyers.
And... for good measure, here's one of us goofing off tonight. :-) Man, I am WHITE!
Hope this finds everyone doing well. I will try to be more diligent at updating!


Krista said...

I love that flowering tea!!!! So cool! What flavors do they have?

Sandra Ramey said...

Yay! You're back!! Love that tea bloomin'! I've seen that done but never bought one of my own.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you is white...but glad you is not black!! You and Peter's eyes look the same color in that "intelligent" looking pose :):)

Would love to have a "cuppa" flower tea with you...

MrsRitzB said...

Krista - They have all kinds of flavors! White, red, green, black teas. I got the green tea pack. Mmm. :)