
Saturday PROGRESS!

We had a VERY productive Saturday!
My goal - tear out our entryway, coat closet and first floor bathroom tile... easy, right?!
The brilliant installer who put this tile in just tiled straight up to the toilet & then grouted around it, rather than lifting the toilet and tiling underneath. Frustrating!
After my first few lines of tiles, I quickly realized it wasn't going to be as easy as I thought.
A view of the tile from the front door ~
Fortunately, we bought some knee-pads awhile back that came in VERY handy!!
Tile is all up in the entryway and coat-closet...
Except for one minor detail! They screwed the concrete backer board into the sub-floor... hence, 100's of screws that need to be taken out now. (By this point my back and hands are SCREAMING at me)
Now, time for the bathroom. It's a small space, won't take long... right?
Wrong. After some much appreciated help from my hubby, we got the tile all up only to discover there was linoleum underneath. Lovely! The black dots all over it are the screws they had used to fasten the concrete board to the linoleum. More screws to take out... except these HAD to come out before I could work on peeling up the linoleum. (The others in the sub-floor I had left and figured I would remove later)
At 11pm we decided to call it quits for the night... here's how the bathroom looks as I scurry off to bed. I'll finish it up tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Peter worked some more on prepping the kitchen and ducting plenum for reframing/new drywall and eventually cabinets! He also rewired the outlets so they'd be in the right places for our new appliances.
Here's a close-up on the framing he is doing around the plenum. This will raise the ceiling about 4 inches... sounds like such a little amount, but it really makes a big difference!
Another view of his work~
Meeting tomorrow has been canceled due to 30" of snow... so we'll work some more on our place. :) For now, we need some sleep! Adios!


Diana said...

Let's get all our mess over with at once!!!

Anna said...

Wow, you guys are working HARD!!! Good luck! :)

Aunt Renee said...

I am VERY impressed by all you're doing!!! What are you putting in place of the old tile?

wes said...

Demo hammer costs $56 at homedepot for 24hr rental. Take all that tile AND thinset up in about 3 hours. Welcome to my world :D

Looks nice.... but seriously, I think someone stole your drywall.