

I know, I know... I have a LOT of catch-up to do! Sorry... but in the interest of time (it's getting late!) I'm going to be lazy & put it all in one post. :)
I baked last weekend and used my new ovens for the first time! They worked beautifully!
Blueberry cheesecake bars. DELISH! I had forgotten what a stress relief baking is for me. Must. Bake. More.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Pretzels (that look like they were made for Christmas since those were the only colors I had!!) I loved the salty/sweet/peanuty taste all-in-one hand held treat. No recipe for this one, just milk chocolate chips, peanut butter & pretzels. Microwave, dip, dry enjoy. Simple.
Home Improvement - My dear husband has been hard at work. Just because I've been slacking on my blogging doesn't mean things haven't been happening around here!
Have I ever mentioned that I love the way our garage has turned out? Nothing new in this photo, just bragging about his craftsmanship.
The siding on the East side of the house has looked like this for a few weeks - we were waiting on the shipment of the Hardi-Shingles to come in for that top portion ~
...and they finally made it!
While waiting, Peter installed the propane tank on the side of the house - this will be for our new stove in the kitchen. :) :) :)
He also installed the sink in the downstairs 1/2 bath. As you can see he had some very good help...
A sneak peek at the decorating in that bathroom. :) I will take a few more "big picture" photos when I finish. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way it's turning out tho!!
Artsy artsy... Oh, and the shingles are up!! Isn't it beautiful? Still needs batten on the boards tho... (in this photo anyway) :)
Now there is batten up! I just LOVE the way it looks. Imagine cream trim with sage green siding. Won't it be beautiful?! Hopefully this summer we'll get the windows replaced on the back side of the house & start re-doing that sheathing and siding. Big dreams. :)
Another artsy one... Meanwhile Monday sweet hubby started work on the front of the house. You'll recall he did the siding above the porch roof awhile ago... now it's the bottom half's turn! :)
Yesterday our dear Dozer fell in love with this rock. I missed his little snap of adorable-ness, but Peter assures me he was having quite a sweet moment. I'm sure it didn't go unappreciated.
Oh, for goodness-sake! I just can't stop taking pictures! Notice the siding on the bottom??!!
Target had this amazing bedspread on sale (cough cough) and I fell in love with it! California poppies!
Mom, don't faint... I planted something LIVING... and it's STILL living!! :):) I found a cute little indoor greenhouse at Lowe's awhile back and thought it would be perfect for the kitchen window-sill. (It is.) Imagine my ecstatic delight to come home today to little sprouts!!! I squealed like a baby piglet (that may be the only time you ever hear me compare myself to a piglet, but I think it fits in this situation). :)
I am SO SO SO excited that they are growing, but now a little stressed out about keeping them alive. Maybe I should have kept the instructions??! Whoops.
PHEW. All caught up. I was hoping to be in bed by 10pm, but that's long gone, so now I'll shoot for 11. Hope you have a wonderful night and happy Wednesday!


Aunt Renee said...

Great to read your update and know all is still well back there. I'm always amazed at the amount of work you two are doing on the house. Looking forward to someday coming back and visiting.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update. Quite a place you have there and just the folks to make it extra wonderful. Looks like Peter is always working hard, how does he find the time?! Good thing he's got you to fix him yummies in the kitchen that kind of work makes one very hungry I'm sure!

Diana said...

How many times can you say LOVE in one post? I think maybe you were high on sum'pin the other night... On the other hand, at least you are positively, completely, deliciously, and inherently happy! (Aren't you happy when I give you a hard time?)

It ALL looks grandioso! Talk about changing the look of your house - wow. I'd love to have seen Dozer adoring his pet rock.

Sherrie said...

mmm, the baking looks good. I am into artesian bread baking - you make the master dough - stick it in the fridge - and tear of chunks to make fresh bread. It is quite good - and healthy!! I've not played with it yet - just the basic so far, but it is fun.
OOOOH, I do love growing things - and even the weeding if it didn't make me sick, but I am with you in the excitement of the little sprouts. How very fun. I froze my herbs last year and have had fun throwing them into things. They just freeze green - it is great.
Whew!! Peter does work hard - it makes me tired to even think of things you guys are doing. Am glad you are enjoying the process.
I like Poppies too = as you can tell by the pics I posted. I do like the bedspread - and how fun to put the design on the wall!
Your background looks like the things I saw at World Market - got Whitney an orange scarf with the doohinkies hanging on the ends. It was quite pretty and she like color. She turned "20" last Friday.
Will write more on an e-mail Love, S