
Week at home ~

We had a great time in San Diego last week... but it went by toooooo fast! Wes joined us for a few days too which was awesome! Just to get this story out-of-the-way - We don't have many photos of the trip as we accidentally threw our camera into our bonfire one night at the beach. One of the beach chairs broke, so as we were leaving we decided just to throw it in the fire... however, I had forgotten that our camera was in the pocket! :( Anyhow - Mom was kind enough to lend us her photos. Hopefully our new camera will be delivered tomorrow!
Sunday meetin' clothes... I miss being close to this guy!
(and my other bro too) :)
Mom n' I
Mom n' Pops! (love)That one guy from Vegas...
I got to spend some time with Amy & her new little guy. He's such a sweetie!
Also, had lunch with a high school friend...
Dinner on the porch at Mom n' Pops
Friday Mom and Peter and I went to Point Loma to check out the tide pools - We arrived about an hour after low tide, but it was still far enough out for us to poke and prod around a bit. :)
The crabs were everywhere!! At first glance, the tide pools just look like a bunch of boring old rocks, but upon closer inspection, those rocks are CRAWLING with life! Every little puddle has its own eco-system - it was so neat!
How many?
That sweet hubby of mine... (love)
Looking for starfish, but we weren't able to find any.
Serious stuff :)
Mom n' I again. :)
Then Friday evening L.P. and J.B. tied the knot! It was a beautiful wedding, and perfect weather - couldn't have been better! L. looked stunning!
Cute old bike with a "just married" sign... No, this wasn't the getaway car. :)
Cupcakes! Red velvet and carrot cake - Delish!
Cute, huh?!
Time to get painting - I need to finish up the trim in the main floor bathroom ~ adios amigos!


wes said...

Had a good time. Nice seeing you and Peter again.... maybe someday I'll get back out there.

Sherrie said...

Glad you had such a good trip. We just got back from Ronan - so very nice to be there - oh, such good mtgs - and then just to be there and see those people again and be on the grounds.
I go tomorrow - Wed. to be with Daddy and Mum. Mum needs help with her antibiotics - we just don't know if Daddy can remember them with what he has to remember with his own health. Fri. Mum gets her stitches out - and either Pam or Mara will take Daddy to the Dr. - Mara is worried that he is having congestive heart failure as his lungs seem very fluid. So.. hopefully they can make it until Mon eve when Tammie gets in. I will stay until Tues - coming home then.
Today, I'm busy watering - contacting a few people necessary - paying bills - washing clothes- grocerying (I love making new verbs) and just getting ready to leave tomorrow. Loren worked today, but will be here doing things the rest of the week.
Daniel leaves either tonight or tomorrow mrng with Bruce and Jane F. for Chugwater - then will spend a couple of weeks with Elisa - then come back when Bruce and Jane come back. It'll be nice for him and Elisa. James and Elisa will be at Chugwater too.
Good days to you both, Love, S