
Houston, we have a patio door!

Yeehaw! A door! Light again! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight we ran over to Lowe's and grabbed a new handle to match the others in the house.
I LOVE, LOVE it! It's SUCH an improvement from the nasty old, uninsulated slider that was was there last week.
Thanks K&L for coming up to help today... again! We're extremely indebted to you guys!!!


Unknown said...

Looking good!!

Sandra Ramey said...

love the sun streamin' in too! The green paint is cool!

Sweet Thing said...

Hey there! Pam and the girls were by the bakery last week and mentioned you all had a blog! I thought I'd check it out! So....looks like you both have been very busy! The house is gorgeous! I've also been looking at jobs with the gov and wondered if you had some insight/tips/thoughts....so...def looking to pick your brain! Hope all is great with you and look forward to hearing from you soon. scd_7028@yahoo.com.....a better e-mail!