
Impromtu Camping Trip

This weekend we wanted to get away from the busyness of life, so we took a spur-of-the-moment camping trip with K&L. It was perfect. Well, except for Saturday night when the group across from us stayed up until 2am being loud and drunken. :) But other than that, it was perfect! :) We just went to a National Park only 30 miles away, so we were close to home, but just far enough away to escape!
Hubby roasting a cheesy muffin ~ That pot of water boiled almost constantly because we drank so much coffee! :)
Breakfast of champions. :) Not much beats campfire hash, eggs and bacon. MMM.
Full mugs of coffee = happy campers. Literally! :)
Keeping warm. :) Fall has set in around these parts. Our mornings and evenings are chilly!
Second only to smelling like campfire, roasting marshmallows is one of my favorite things about camping! Actually, I should say, eating roasted marshmallows is - as P. usually roasts them for me. :)
K, L & I - their tent in the background.
I mentioned to my co-workers that I was going camping and they ALL responded "WHY would you do that?" :) This is why:
Lizzy came too!

She's such a sweet pup~
Saturday we went for a 4(ish) mile hike. T'was a beautiful day.

Group shot!

:) Hah. I love him!
Little Miss. Photogenic - she takes the prettiest pictures!

It was so nice to have such a relaxing weekend. Thanks to K&L for going too!
Hope you've had a good one!


Sandra Ramey said...

Awesome...gottsa love a camping trip and especially an impromptu one! Thanks for sharing...Love Auntie

Sherlene said...

Such good therapy! People nowadays just don't know what they're missing! :)