
The NON-Birthday Party!

The K part of our friends K&L reached another one-year mark of living. However, he's not much into celebrating, so L had a NON-birthday party for him! Another friend of ours had also recently reached her one-year milestone so they (didn't) celebrate together! :)
Fruit! (S. made a delish taco dip too that I missed taking a photo of!)
Goat cheese, crackers n' craisins... MMM~
Amazing Thai dish~
Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars~
And of course... a non-birthday cheesecake! :)
The evening non-celebrations:
We talked...
...and talked... (this is J., husband of S., the other non-birthday celebrator, whom I failed to photograph! Shame on me.)
Clearly the boys favorite past-time is talking! Non-birthday boy, K~
K., sweet son of J&S. I missed getting a photo of his sis tho! She had a beautiful skirt on that mama S. had made that day for her. Shame on me, twice!
Miss Lizzy even graced us with her presence. :)
Our hosts, K&L & Miss L~
We played Guesstures... always entertaining when Peter is acting!! :)
Floor? Carpet? Down?
We had a great time (not) celebrating! As always, the food was delish and the company was top-notch! Happy non-birthday K & S!


Diana said...

You and L. can make food look so wonderful - makes me hungry just looking at it. Can I crash one of your parties, or non-parties? Can't wait to see pics of your bro-reunion. Be sure and play games and take pics!

Sandra Ramey said...

Love the non-birthday idea! Food is looking wonderful (as usual) :)