

Signed, settled and SOLD!  

We are officially, NOT homeowners as of 4am today! (our time)

To curb the curious minds, we put the house on the market on the 20th of June and had a ratified, full price contract on the 28th.  We only had two different families look at the house during those 8 days and it was the first family who made the offer.  They came back four times before submitting their offer - you can imagine we were on pins and needles!

So, although a move overseas could have been difficult and daunting, this transition to Kwajalein has been pretty seamless!  For that we're very grateful and we're thoroughly enjoying our time on the island so far!

Please come visit!  


Deena said...

*big smiles* and a little ITYS, very happily stated ;-D

Todd and Sarah said...

CONGRATS! So happy to hear sale is all closed! That is GREAT!

Sandra Ramey said...

wow...fantastic and an ease of your minds!

Renee Pontious said...

Know the feeling of relief when a house sells so rapidly. So happy for you two. Enjoy your time there.

Cara Grow said...

So glad for you it's all said and done!