
Baking Diary

Yesterday I made these Reese's Pieces Cookies and these Chewy Lemon Sugar Cookies to bring with us as we had been invited to dinner at some friends house.  Both were delicious, and quite simple!  The sugar cookies were the perfect balance of firm on the outside, but soft and chewy in the middle.  The Reese's Pieces cookies... well, is there much better than chocolate and peanut butter together?!  I can say "no thanks" to plain chocolate most any day, but mix it with PB, and I'm toast.  I like that the chocolate flavor in these comes from cocoa powder - I don't often bake with it, but really enjoyed it in this recipe!

Let me know if you make them, what you think!


Deena said...

I can leave choco/PB untouched all day long, no problem, but the words "chewy" and "lemon" in the same sentence are my undoing ... thanks for the recipe! Will try it very soon.

Deena said...

Giving the Chewy Lemon Sugar Cookies a good, strong A+! They will become a favorite in our house =))