
Fried Crisp

I got fried today for my first time since arriving on island.  Complete accident.  All it took was 10 minutes in the 2pm sun.  Typically if we're outside we put on 30 SPF at least twice per day, more often if we're in the water.  Today it just completely slipped my mind. 8 degrees off the equator makes for some seriously STRONG rays!

Word to the wise when you come visit... wear sunscreen!  70-100 SPF is not a laughable thing here.  


Diana said...


Sherlene said...

I'd think it's something you just put on after a morning shower.

Liesl said...

Ouch! Sorry - that's no fun.

Deena said...

OUCH. Any aloe vera growing on the island?? Break off a spear & apply the oozy juice directly. Best thing for sunburn.