

My Aunt Sherlene, one of our faithful blog commenters, had a great suggestion to help with my blogger's block.  :-)

What do YOU, dear reader, want to read about?  

Do you have questions about the island?    
Should I share more recipes?  
Do you miss hearing about Dozer?  ;-)
Are you curious about how to apply for a job here?
Do you need help planning your trip to come visit?  :-)

Let me know and I'll blog away!


Sue said...

I know you do not know me but I know Sherlene,and Diana Clark and Wayne and Sharon Ramey. In fact I go to meeting with Wayne and Sharon.

Anyway I have to say it is very interesting to read about your dives and would be nice to know a little more about the island its self.

I hope this helps you. Thanks for blogging at all. It sure does make this big world much smaller.

Sue Chappell, Medford, OR

Anna said...

I'd love to read "A typical day in the life of Peter" and "A typical day in the life of Marissa". :)

I've got a bit of blogger's block of my own going on, actually. Mainly because we'd been working so hard until recently that we hadn't had time to do anything interesting. That's about to change though! :D

Jill & Dellas said...

"A typical day in the life of..." is what i was going to say. I know pics are hard to upload, but share pics and descriptions of your digs, where you go most often, friends you've met, etc.

Sherlene said...

Where and how do you bank, grocery shop, how do you get around mostly, are there cars or scooters on the island and if so, who drives them? Do you find the things you need to cook like you did here or if not, how do you improvise?

:) And yes... I miss hearing about the Dozer! How is he adapting to island life? Is he a mouser? Do they have mice there or does he have to dig for clams!?!

Cara Grow said...

ditto to Jill!