
Water Skiing!

Some of the friends that were in our meeting this morning kindly invited us to enjoy the sunshine with them this afternoon on their jet-ski! It was a beautiful day for it, sunny and LOTS of fun!
I LOVE this picture!
And, they're off!
It's been fun having Dellas! He leaves for home (Boise) tomorrow... (Monday)


Anonymous said...

Coupla cute dudes!

Anonymous said...

SO we've been playing major phone tag :( how are ya? any new news! any plans to visit Sacramento soon??? !!! :) :) ;)

Your computer room is adorable and Peter's board shots are way cool. Some day when we get a boat we'll have to go camping and boating and wakeboarding (our fave) and whatever y'all like to do. I MISS DELLAS!

Ok, this was random but sums everything up. Take care, thinkin about ya!


Anonymous said...

i meant board shoRts!