
Clark Kid Reunion 2011!!

My brothers and sis (in-law, but I'll claim her as a sister!) came to visit this week!  D&J were here from the 12th-19th and W was here from 14th-19th.  We had a blasty-blast!  We did a lot of the touristy stuff, yakked, shopped, ate, ate, ate, etc!  Here's a quick photo documentary of the trip. 

These two are just so darn cute.  I think I paired it down to 3 photos of them in this blog post, but suffice to say, there were plenty to choose from!  :)

And these three... well, I'll let you decide!  They're trouble, that's for sure!

Clark Kids!  I miss these guys on a pretty regular basis!  Looking at this photo, we really don't resemble each other much do we?!

J's mom recommended that we check out the view from the tower at the US Postal Office - it was a GREAT recommendation!  I'm just sorry that we only found out about it as we are planning our departure from this area, but glad we got to do it before we left!  Thanks B!
 Some more views from the USPS building:

We stopped by the US Botanical Gardens, but they were closed so we just meandered through the outdoor gardens until they kicked us out. :)

This photo only made it on the blog because of D.  :) 

Tired feet.

Another of J's mom's recommendations - soooo delish!  Fortunately we pre-ordered our cupcakes, as the line was around the block!  For those who don't know, there is a famous TV show featuring this cupcakery.

This is one of the founding sisters, Katherine

We tried Hibiscus Mango, German Chocolate, Strawberry and Red Velvet.  Their full menu is here.

Photo courtesy of my hubby.  Wes is breaking in my new sunglasses. B-)

These helicopters buzz over all day long - transporting important people from the pentagon to the capitol, etc.  Wes was tired of waiting for our ferry and thought he could hitch a ride on a heli instead. :)

Big dude, big heart.


Isn't this a particularly neat photo of the Lincoln Memorial?  I thought so!  :)

The Kennedy Center for Performing Arts

On our ferry ride back, these folks seemed to be having some issues with their kayaks.  They had PFD's on, so we just waved and motored on by (and snapped a quick photo!). 

Great Falls, VA - beautiful park.

Water snake - bleh!

True love.  :-P Hah!

New blacksmith's shop at Mt. Vernon.

Color POP!

Last day together at Mt. Vernon!
Thanks you three for flying all the way out here to hang out with us!!  We really had a stellar time - even with lots on all our minds (new jobs, moves, etc), we managed to have a great time amidst it all!  And thanks J. for putting up with your new extended family ~ I sure love having another girl around! 


Diana said...

Looks like all I could have hoped for! The DC Cupcakes look fun - right up your alley. Maybe you can start your own on KW... :) And the view atop the USPO looks pretty cool too. Glad you had a super-duper time. Love you guys! <3 mom

Sherlene said...

Kevin says you look underfed!

Jill & Dellas said...

Man, you're on top of it! You did such a thorough job highlighting our trip, maybe I'll just post a link to this on my blog haha.
We had a blast, thanks so much for having us! Miss you guys already.

Olymom said...

Glad you liked the tower! Sounds like it was a great time for everyone!