
Long Overdue

I'm going to write a little synopsis of our recent life tonight, and then will post pictures later... :)

10.13 thru 10.22: Spent in Kauai with Mom and Dad - Pictures posted at Picasa and also our Homepage. Mom also did a nice writeup on her blog.
10.22: Come home to a kitty who has grown up, and learned all kinds of bad habits!
10.28: Gram & Gramps Ramey spend the evening with us and bring their friends George & Judy Andrade.
10.30: Marissa stays home from work sick, and her birthday present arrives! (I'll save that surprise for pictures...) :)
10.31: We sign papers on our property!!!! Yahoo!! 4.77 acres!
Current: Kitty is still unlearning his bad habits...

Pictures of all the above news to come soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay... it's been long enough - we want pictures. Pics of your "child", of your new property and anything else you have to share