
Recap of Yesterday...

This will be amusing, someday.

Goals for the day: Get Peter fingerprinted in DC before 3:30 (when they close) and leave our place by 6:00 for meeting.

How it all panned out:
Peter spent the a.m. getting info for his background check while I unpacked some more boxes.
2:00 pm - leave our place (walking to the metro - about 1.5 miles away)
2:45 pm - board metro - it is late leaving because they shut down 1 of the 2 tracks for maintenance. Nice, good start. It will get better, right?
3:25 pm - Arrive in downtown DC
3:25 pm - Downpour/Thunderstorms begin
3:30 pm - Realize we've walked the wrong way for 5 blocks, turn around
3:45 pm - Arrive @ DOE building, fingerprinting office is closed.
3:50 pm - Walk back to metro, realize we took the LOOONG way & could have walked only 1 block instead of 4...
**Soaking wet, it's thunderstorming still**
4:00 pm - Board metro to come home
4:05 pm - Hear announcement on Metro that they've shut it down at East Falls Church, a tree has fallen on the tracks. Thunderstorm getting worse.
4:30 pm - Arrive at East Falls Church to at least a thousand people who have nowhere to go and are waiting for busses/shuttles/taxis etc. Total chaos.
4:45 pm - Decide to follow the masses to walk to the West Falls Church Metro and board there.
4:45 - 5:05 pm - Walk 1 mile until blisters form. Take off flip-flops.
5:05 - 5:35 pm - Walk 2 more miles barefoot.
5:35 pm - Arrive @ West Falls Church Metro
**Still soaking wet, intermittent downpours**
5:35 pm - Realize West Falls Church Metro is shut down also, hail a cab.
5:40 - 6:35 pm - Sit in traffic watching our fare go up, up, up. Cab driver informs us that West Falls Church Metro actually WASN'T shut down - the people we saw leaving were the ones trying to go to DC via East Falls Church. Right. Crud.
6:40 pm - Arrive home. Pay $30 cab fare. Way to late to go to meeting. Soaking wet. Grumpy. Blisters. Tired.

At least we got a 3+ mile walk in.

Needless to say - house pictures didn't happen last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bad hair day?