We had a fairly uneventful trip - We had planned each days drive before we left, so I was a bit anxious that everything happen on schedule! :) All happened on schedule, just not always ours - we felt every single bump in the road (the truck had terrible suspension), one trailer tire had to be replaced, spent over $70 on toll roads, backtracked over 50 miles because our GPS decided to take us the "scenic route", and out-ran two tornadoes. Here's a recap in pictures:
The Vehicle: Destination 2,722 miles - 40 hours drive time
The Driver
The Passenger
The Pain-in-our-rear
Actually, I must clarify. Dozer did exceptionally well for being stuck in a truck cab for 5 days & in a different hotel each night. Each day he was a bit calmer & by day 5 he was riding like a champ. I think he could get used to the trucker's life! I couldn't tho...
The View - Entering Utah
More Utah View
Wyoming Windmills - These fascinate me... They are so HUGE!
Tornado finally behind us in Nebraska
Gorgeous red poppies lined the median in Maryland. Sorry so blurry, but you get the idea?
Next up - photos of our new townhouse, as we try to make it a home! :-) That post will come tomorrow.
The Vehicle: Destination 2,722 miles - 40 hours drive time
Actually, I must clarify. Dozer did exceptionally well for being stuck in a truck cab for 5 days & in a different hotel each night. Each day he was a bit calmer & by day 5 he was riding like a champ. I think he could get used to the trucker's life! I couldn't tho...
Welcome to your new home. Anxious to see pics.
Welcome to the East Coast!
Hi you guys!
Hey I saw those same views when Arlen and I took his NEW truck across country to New York last May....the red rock I do remember well! Very pretty! It took us 3.5 days but we travelled 12 hr days and then some...Areln wanted to get home!
Thanks everyone! Chapmans, we're excited to meet you - will we go to the same convention? ~P&M
We go to the NC conventions, Denton and Shelby, but we'll see if we can sneak in another one this year. Hopefully we will be able to see you!
glad you made it safe! enjoy the east coast and get settled in!
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