
Not much...

Sorry for the lack of posting lately... We haven't done much worth posting about! I suppose I could entertain you with my daily schedule, but I'm afraid that you all would lose interest quite quickly!

Some highlights of this last week:

- We had the workers Thursday night... then we took them to the airport early (4am) Friday morning as they were leaving for Marlon's funeral. They were storing their car here at our Town House until Monday when I was to go pick them up from the airport... Monday morning I looked out the window & their car was gone! (I panicked... I know, hard to imagine!) Long story short, the car was impounded for being parked in a residents spot. However, we were able to get it back from the impound before the workers flew in that afternoon! (I was just a little stressed until we got it back!)

- Peter got a deer tick embedded in his side on Saturday. We decided he must have gotten it when we were out looking at houses, poking around in the bushes that afternoon. He found it Sunday morning when we were getting read for meeting. We ran downstairs to look up what you're supposed to do when you find a tick, and all references online said to tug on it (w/tweezers) with slight pressure for 4-5 minutes & it will eventually back out. So, pull Peter did... until the tick broke off with his head still embedded in Peter's side! Now what?! We call the Kaiser nurse hot line, & they say we need to come in to get it extracted. So we miss morning mtg, make a trip to urgent care, Peter gets the tick extracted & gives blood to be tested for Lyme disease. He's to go back in 6 weeks for another test...

- We've spent a number of afternoons this past week with a Realtor looking at houses in this area... We've found a few that need some work but we think we could turn into a home. We're waiting for our house in Oregon to sell & then we'll move forward on something in the DC area.

I think that's about it...

Oh, and I'm SUPER excited for my parents to come next Thursday!

Hope y'all have a spooky Halloween! It's not my favorite holiday (probably my least favorite actually), but we've been invited to a costume party, so I'll try to put my party face on!


The City Grows said...

ohmygoodness...we're wishing for the best for Peter!

Sandra Ramey said...

You go girl....party up! Dave isn't even home tomorrow night so I'll face the tricker treaters alone....oh I'll have Bella here and she'll scare them with her barking...maybe:)

Sandra Ramey said...

Oh yeah,
Neat the folks get to come...do it up right ok?