Monday evening we had a Gingerbread house/tree decorating party! This was originally intended to be at Bobbi and Troys, but both Bobbi and baby B got sick, so we changed the location.
We started by filling our bellies on pizza, then went to town decorating our Gingerbread.
Ken & Liesl putting theirs together
Tess securing her roof
Baby M looking adorable!
Anna and Ben (friends from Australia)
I had this bright idea while at Wal-Mart. They were selling Gingerbread TREE kits instead of houses, and in the interest of being unique & original, I thought Peter and I would decorate a tree instead of a house... Probably won't do that again! The other couples had WAY more fun being creative with their houses!
Bah Humbug! I was such a scrooge about this tree... Live and learn I guess?!
All done!
Dozer, clearly very happy that his house is inhabited with frosting and candy covered people!
Anna's adorably artistic gingerbread people!
Peter and I, and the imfamous self portrait... we're making it a tradition, everywhere we go/everything we do! :-)
Candles in the windows and a wreath on that wall! So cute!
I love the flowerbox and holly in the window!
Finally finished...
Ken & Liesl with their new home...
Anna and Ben showing off their creation...
And my favorite part... the melted snowman! Ken said this is what artists call a "good mistake". :) His snowman toppled over, so he added a bit of frosting here and there & voila! A melted snowman!
Our group minus Tess & baby M (had to go home to put baby to bed) and Bobbi, Troy and baby B. We missed them!
T'was a very fun evening. We stayed up until wee hours playing Rook after our houses (and tree) were finished... I'm ready for a nap today!
(P.S.: The girls won rook) :-)
We started by filling our bellies on pizza, then went to town decorating our Gingerbread.
Ken & Liesl putting theirs together
(P.S.: The girls won rook) :-)
Hi guys!
We had such a great time last night - thanks so much!!
Merry Christmas!
Anna & Ben.
PS. Both gingerbread houses even made it home intact!
Hey there ~ This was SO much fun! Your tree and the houses turned out fantastic!! Thank you for hosting the night. AND we even beat the boys at Rook!! What fun!
Merry Christmas...
Liesl & Ken
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