Yesterday I had the fortune of discovering Linen's n' things is going out of business! Everything in the store is at least 40% off... :)
I found these awesome "wall paint" stickers on sale, and decided to try them out... It looks like the words are really painted on the wall! I love it!
Here's what the package looks like in case you're interested. They have many other sayings, some for the kitchen, some for children, etc. They are all quite cute. I bought another quote for when we buy a house out here. It says "may all who enter as guests, leave as friends."
Dozer was quite interested in the picture process...
I made some of Peter's favorite cookies tonight - oatmeal. :) Yum.
And aren't these guys festive? They're for our potluck on Sunday... if they're not gone before then!

I found these awesome "wall paint" stickers on sale, and decided to try them out... It looks like the words are really painted on the wall! I love it!
neat stickers - petris have some me thinks
I love those decals! My favorite is one perfect for a nursery it says, "Always kiss me goodnight".
I love those stickers, too! Very creative.
Hey, I tagged you in my blog :D
Go check it out!
you've been tagged by me, too, see my last post.
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